It is important for Learning and Work Institute (L&W) that people can express their gratitude, thanks, worries or anxieties. A comments/complaints procedure ensures anyone experiencing good or poor service is assured that we will appreciate their view. It is important we take steps to improve our service or thank those within L&W who have done well and provides feedback to our work.
L&W aims to be an outstanding organisation, providing high-quality services to our customers. When we do it well, people like to tell us. However sometimes we make mistakes. The aims of a comments/complaints procedure are also to:
Comments/complaints received by telephone
At all times, customers need to know we are listening and responding. Ensure that the caller gets an adequate response by directing the call appropriately to either the individual member of staff, their line-manager or to the Director of Finance and Operations (DFO) or the Director for Wales if related to our Welsh Language Standards.
Listen sensitively to the complainant. Explain that we have a formal complaints process and that you are happy to note down the complaint now and to get it dealt with.
If the caller does not need or want to talk to anyone else, make a note of the date, the name of the caller, their contact details and comment.
If appropriate, callers should be advised of L&W’s comments/complaints procedure, note that a copy can be sent via post or email. They should also be advised that their call is being dealt with as a comment or complaint.
Written Complaints
If you receive a comment or complaint, send it to the DFO on the day of receipt who will log it and if possible ensure the complaint is resolved immediately.
There are three stages to the complaints procedure. If the comment or complaint is in relation to our Welsh Language Standards send it to the Director for Wales.
Stage One
Once the comment/complaint has been received we will try and resolve immediately. If possible, a written response or phone call should be issued or held with the complainant immediately. This will explain the reason behind the problem, the action taken to rectify the problem and any further action which will be taken to ensure it does not happen again.
Stage Two
If the problem is going to take a longer time to investigate, a holding communication will be sent to the complainant within 10 working days, reassuring them that the issue is being dealt with. This will include a contact name and telephone number and advise them of the date by which they should receive a response to their comment/complaint.
Within 28 days of this, a further letter will be sent to the complainant telling them of the reason behind the problem, the action taken to rectify the problem, and any further action which will be taken to ensure it does not happen again.
Stage Three
If the complainant is not satisfied with the result of a Stage 1 or Stage 2 comment/complaint, the information will be passed to the CEO who will respond within 10 working days with the outcome of a review.
Further Action
If the complainant is not satisfied with our response at Stage 3, they can write to the Chair of the Company Board. The letter to the Chair will be acknowledged within ten working days and the Chair will hear the comment or complaint within one month.
The Chair may ask the complainant to attend a meeting to hear the comment or complaint. They must inform the Chair in advance of the meeting if they wish to bring someone along to support them.
Within two weeks of the meeting a written response will be sent to the complainant telling them of the reason behind the problem, the action taken to rectify the problem, and any further action which will be taken to ensure it does not happen again. The Chair’s decision is final.
Complaints will be monitored and will record:
Use of Welsh Language
Complaints about the Welsh language and our compliance with the service delivery standards, operational standards and policy standards that have been applied to us in line with our Welsh language compliance notice will be dealt with in accordance with our organisational complaints procedure. Learners, stakeholders and partners have the right to raise a complaint under this procedure in Welsh if they wish. The organisation will respond to any complaints submitted in Welsh in the same language.
Investigation meetings through the medium of Welsh
We will ask whether the complainant would like to use Welsh at any investigation meeting relating to a complaint. In the absence of a Welsh speaking member of staff for this purpose, we may need to use a simultaneous translation service from Welsh to English at that meeting.
We will inform individuals in Welsh about any decisions we have reached in relation to a complaint made by them in Welsh.
We will provide internal training for people where they are required to take part in meetings relating to complaints on how to use the Welsh language effectively in these meetings.
Welsh Language Standards
All staff are made aware of our Welsh Language Standards compliance at induction and to direct any Welsh Language Standards complaint to the Director for Wales, Office Manager or Project Officer in the Wales team.
Where relevant, key staff members will receive in-depth briefing sessions in dealing with Welsh language Standards complaints. The briefings will include awareness raising of the complaint procedures and the Welsh Language Standards L&W are required to be compliant with. The Standards are available on our website. These briefing sessions will be updated if the Standards change.
Complaints received through the medium of Welsh will not be treated less favourably than English language complaints and will not lead to any delay.
Reviewed April 2023
Next review date May 2024