13 November 2024 | 9:30 – 4:30 | Cardiff City Stadium
Sponsored by City & Guilds, and supported by National Infrastructure Commission Wales and Serco
The focus of the convention was on the impact of global changes such as the transition to a low carbon economy, the disruptive nature of AI and automation and what an ageing population means for Wales’ workforce.
Wales’ HE Participation Gap – Chris Laity, Universities Wales
Stronger, Greener, Fairer Wales, Welsh Government’s Employment Strategy- David Heath, Welsh Government
Fair Work – a new deal for working people and Wales – Shavannah Taj, Wales TUC; Harry Thompson, Cynnal Cymru; Elizabeth Gerard, Learning and Work Institute
Lessons from Finland – vocational education in Wales – Mark Ravenhall, Consultant & Rachel Cable, Colleges Wales
Dr Luke Sibieta, EPI
Stephen Evans, L&W
Professor Calvin Jones, Cardiff Business School
Chris Laity, Universities Wales
Mark Ravenhall & Rachel Cable, Colleges Wales