Melanie Lloyd is a tutor leading on delivering Traineeships at ACT. She works with 16–18-year-olds to deliver employability qualifications to help them progress onto further learning, an apprenticeship or into employment.
She says,
Many of the young people have experienced complex issues that have affected their learning – negative experiences at school, a lack of confidence, mental health issues or additional learning needs that must be supported.
Melanie like many other tutors has responded to the coronavirus pandemic by adapting her teaching methods. “Over the last year we’ve all been challenged to think differently about maintaining our provision and supporting our learners. I’ve had to think about each learner and how to support them to get the best out of what we have done online. I’ve voiced over PowerPoint presentations and added YouTube videos to make the learning accessible for all.”
Melanie’s success comes from thinking about each learning experience as building valuable life skills for each of her learners, making it a priority to plan next steps with each young person to give them ownership and involvement in all that they do.
“In life you will never remember everything that was taught to you, but you will always remember how you were made to feel.”