How Serco’s Restart Scheme is adapting to AI and the Digital Landscape to future-proof the workforce in Wales.

Authors: David Elsmere, Partnership Manager, Restart Scheme at Serco


14 11 2024


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In an era where technology and job markets are rapidly evolving, equipping individuals with the necessary skills to develop becomes crucial. As a significant 26.5% of the working-age population in Wales remains disengaged from the labour market, it is evident that new approaches are needed.

The Restart Scheme started post COVID-19 in 2021 and is a government initiative aimed at helping people (participants) develop their skills and find sustainable employment. Serco delivers the Restart Scheme in Wales on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The Restart Scheme understands the job market, embracing new technology and comprehensive digital training to empower Welsh job seekers, ensuring they are well-prepared for the future job market.

Digital Skills Training

Recognising that digital literacy is essential in today’s job market, the Serco Restart Scheme Trainers offer an array of digital skills courses to participants on the Restart Scheme. This includes basic computer skills, email in the workplace and using search engines. The different courses are offered to participants based on their current skillset. As well as this, the Restart Scheme Trainers offer 6-week digital skills courses to any Jobcentre Plus (JCP) customer who is over 50. The training aims to bridge the gap for over 50’s and low-skilled individuals, equipping them with the necessary tools to thrive in a digital-first environment. Taking place at local JCPs in South East Wales, they cover everything from basic computer operation to pensions and online shopping. All the courses offered by Serco ensure a well-rounded digital education which allows the person to be more tech savvy.

Embracing AI

One of the ways Serco is transforming employability services is through the integration of AI. By automating tasks such as CV writing and meeting notes, AI is significantly enhancing the productivity of our job coaches. During a typical 1-to-1 CV session, a coach can have a 10-minute conversation with a participant then, using AI, produce a well-crafted CV in about a minute. This not only streamlines the process but ensures that each participant leaves with a professional and appealing CV, tailored from the diagnostic review that captures their work history, qualifications, and career aspirations.

Supporting diverse needs through tailored approaches

The Restart Scheme understands that participants face multiple barriers to employment, from health issues to lack of formal education. Approximately 19% of our participants have no formal qualifications, and nearly half possess qualifications below Level 2. A significant portion report having poor digital skills. Conversely, 13% hold a Level 5 or higher qualification. After a successful pilot, we rolled out an offer across Wales for graduates called ‘Restart Scheme Blue’ where participants have a dedicated 1:1 mentor for 12-weeks helping them with LinkedIn research, building confidence and resilience, and developing career paths to find a job that matches their experience. Consequently, the support given by the Restart Scheme to all participants doesn’t just focus on immediate skill needs, but also on ensuring they move towards employment and continuous skill development.

The impact so far

There are currently 6,912* people who have found sustainable employment in Wales through the Restart Scheme since it started in 2021. Looking ahead, continuous evaluation and adaptation of our strategies will be vital. As the job market continues to evolve with technological advancements, so must our approaches to training and development. The Restart Scheme is committed to ensuring that the Welsh workforce is not only prepared for the challenges of today but also equipped for the opportunities of tomorrow.

*data to 8.11.24

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