Degree Apprenticeships are an increasingly important part of developing skills for work in many countries across the world. In Wales they were introduced in 2018 following a recommendation in the 2017 Diamond Report and the subsequent commitment from the Welsh Government in their Apprenticeships and Skills plan. The objectives of the Degree Apprenticeship programme are to help better align the apprenticeship system to deliver the higher-level skills needed by employers and to help enable progression from the existing apprenticeship programme into higher education.
Working with Wavehill we were commissioned by the Welsh Government to undertake an initial evaluation of the Degree Apprenticeship programme. It considered the international evidence on the effective introduction of the Degree Apprenticeships programme and engaged with strategic partners. The initial scoping report was published in October 2020. Work on the second phase report is underway and will include detailed engaged with learners and employers, as well as the development of an impact and value for money framework.